Wednesday, 17 June 2015

My Review of ''Humans'' - Episode 1

Last night I was looking through various Tv catch-up sites for what to watch, as I was very bored. I was looking through 4oD, where I found on the main homepage, a catch-up of ''Humans'' Episode 1. I remembered seeing a few adverts for the show, it being displayed on buses etc and I thought it looked really fascinating to watch. So...guess what... I watched it! This blog post will basically be a review of the first episode, and my first impressions of, what looks to be, a fascinating series!

Disclaimer: I am not a professional reviewer of shows at all, this is just my opinion on it. If the structure doesn't please you or I have missed out important parts, I am sorry. :3 Also, Humans is a show for older peeps, so I would recommend you don't read this if you are under 12

Ok, so I think the way I'll do this is divided each part into a new paragraph so things don't get too cluttered! Anyway, I digress.

The beginning... the beginning! I was certainly not expecting that with all the (nearly!) naked robots who looked like humans to be there. The way they were all in perfectly straight rows and columns, to me, really highlighted the fact they were robots, and how there was no blinking, twitching, yawning! I was intrigued as to why they were being locked up, perhaps the humans were already in fear of them re-programming themselves and becoming more clever!! The ''robot'' being attracted to the light made me curious, as if she reacted to sensory things in a different way to normal robots.

I can't actually remember much about the opening titles, due to the fact I was so excited about what was to come! I do remember seeing newspapers and news reports about how the next big thing was getting a ''synth'' (name for the robot) I liked this, as it made it more realistic and something that could, scarcely, happen in a few decades time!

I felt a sense of ''family problems'' within the Hawkins household; with Laura being held up at her court case and not wanting to return home; Joe being stressed about kids and needing help; Mattie with a dodgy boyfriend etc. I think it's good the program highlighted these, as this represents it's not just about sci-fi, and even with these amazing robots, family issues still occur.

The way the robots acted was brilliant, how clever they were, did everything for you, could have conversations with you about anything, except something emotional. I certainly wouldn't mind having one myself! I have lots of admiration for the human actors that played them, as they are doing a great job so far.

I find Anita, the Hawkins' family robot, a fascinating character, because we have an idea of where she came from, and how she was supposedly ''kidnapped'' This gave me a bit of grounding on here, but I still wonder more about her past life and were the flashbacks she was having part of a robot glitch, whether they remember their human life? I hope that Hobb finds her and all his other friends who were kidnapped, rather intriguing side story.

Something I didn't find so enjoyable in the episode was the story of George and his outdated robot Odi. I wasn't sure how it fitted with the main story and it all seemed a bit random. Even though Odi had good memories, I didn't get how fixing him would be productive when it was clear George needed an upgraded robot. Also, I found it shocking that at the end of the episode, Anita the robot, carried Sophie (the youngest child in the Hawkins household) out onto the streets in the middle of the night and walked away with her. I don't know whether this is trying to represent that Anita still has human thoughts, or whether it was a crazy attempt by Channel 4 at a good cliffhanger? A I hope that in coming episodes, we will understand both of these two points better!

Overall, I think Humans is an amazing sci-fi, I've heard Episode 1 managed to hit over 4 million views, which is great. I look forward to the development of the characters, the story and the overall theme in coming episodes.

I do realized I've missed out some parts, but the bits I included were my personal favourites. May do some more of these review things in the future.

Hope you enjoyed reading and have a great day.

Noah :)

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