Wednesday, 1 July 2015

My Day - 1st July 2015

Hi everyone,

I came up with an idea that on the 1st day of every month, I would just simply talk about what happened in my day! goes..

First of all, HAPPY 1ST JULY to all of you. I cannot believe that we are already over halfway through the year. It feels like yesterday I was listening to the radio at midnight as the radio people welcomed us into 2015 by fireworks and Big Ben getting hyper. Please slow down a tiny bit @ life, you are speeding too much for my liking.

Anyway, I woke up feeling really tired, as I had gone to bed the previous night at 10:30pm due to having an over fascination with the BBC News. My eyes literally felt like they had glue sticking them together, it was that hard to wake up!! Then I had a lovely shower, one of my favourite parts of the day as it wakes me up a lot!

For breakfast, I had a sort of nut cereal thing, one of my favourite types of cereal. I enjoyed eating it while checking Instagram, sadly I had to delete Twitter from my phone due to it taking up too much space on my phone. GG

Then the case of procrastinating for the next 20 minutes ensued in the form of checking Instagram again and packing my school bags with my TWD graphic novel, school books and a jumper for some reason.

When I left my house, I casually walked to school in the boiling sun for 20 minutes. I enjoyed walking to school today, as it gives me a chance to consider my thoughts for the day and (sometimes!) talk to myself about stuff I need to remember which I usually forget.

I finally got to school and saw loads of kids in non-school uniform there. At first I thought ''Wait what I have forgotten about non-school uniform again oh dear me I should hide away'' then I realized that the year 6 kids were coming for their induction day. They seems too tiny to be ready for secondary school and I wondered if I was really that small at that age? (age 10/11)

In form I read my Walking Dead graphic novel for half an hour (my internet friend Netty Plays is always interested in what I am reading, if you are seeing this, hi Netty!) I am really enjoying the character development in this 2nd story. Everyone has told me the graphic novel follows the TV series, but so far I am not seeing this as much as I thought. This is a good thing though haha.

There was barely anyone there today due to most people attending this trip thing, including 1 of my 3 main friends. Another friend was ill with a cold, but luckily one of my friends was at school yay (even though they were only in 1 of my 5 lessons)

1st lesson - P.E.
Today we were playing Cricket. Last lesson, I didn't really know the rules, so I kind of failed. However, due to their being less people, I found it easier to get a basic grip of the rules (and the bat!) I managed to stay in for 5 bowlers, but sadly got run out. I'm glad you don't lose points if you don't hit the ball, unlike in softball. A bit of banter is how I usually see P.E!

2nd lesson - Maths
For the 1st bit of Maths, there were only 3 people in the class haha. Eventually, there were 12 and we did a whole lesson on speed and density. Fun!

3rd lesson - Science
We had a fascinating lesson cloning a cauliflower, which was fascinating. We put a tiny cauliflower piece in Special jelly (agar) which apparently helps the cauliflower to clone itself. Fantastic! It's all part of the B1 unit, where you look at your genes. I like Chemistry the best, then followed by Biology.

4th lesson - I.T.
The main thing we did was look at this program on Mac's called Dreamwaver, where you could look at HTML and do your own kind of webpage thing (as you can probably tell, I'm not the best IT tech thing person!) I based my webpage on The Walking Dead which I am obsessed-ish with.

Lesson 5 - R.E.
This lesson was probably my favourite, as we watched Bruce Almighty the whole lesson, to look at how Religion is represented in the Media. Very interesting topic. Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman are wonderful actors, so I am very interested to see how the storyline will continue.

As well as my lessons, today is Canada day, so I just want to say a big ''hi!' to all the Canadians (if any) reading this. One of my best friends is a Canadian, so hope you are all having a great day.

Also, today is international Joke day.. the best jokes I know are:

Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
A: No eye deer

Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
A: Still no eye deer


Thank you all very much for reading this, I hope you enjoy these monthly day in my life blog post things. Can't believe the next time I do one, it will be the summer holidays whoooo!

Have an awesome rest of your day

Noah :)

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