Friday 17 July 2015

Noah's Favourite Vloggers!

Hi everyone!

If you remember one of my first blogs, it was about my favourite YouTube gaming channels, which I really enjoyed writing. So today I thought I would do a blog about my favourite YouTube vlogging channels, as I find them very entertaining to watch.

I'm not paid by any of them to promote them, as I am a small blog, none of them know me, and most of them don't do stuff like that!

Enjoy reading. :)

Tuesday 7 July 2015

TU25 Features!

Recently, Microsoft announced TU25 on consoles for Minecraft. Title Updates (TU) are updates for the game to make it better and add new additions to it. I thought I would go through some of these updates, explain them and give my personal opinion on each one. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I am not being sponsored by anyone or anything to promote the new update, I just thought I would share some of the new things to help you amazing people yay!

Sunday 5 July 2015

Thoughts Going Through My Head

Hellloo people,

Today I thought I would do a Thinking Out Loud blog (no Ed Sheeran reference intended) This is simply where I list and go into detail some of the thoughts currently in my head and try to express them in the easiest way possible (harder than you think!)

I'm not sure how many things I will include, it will be probably be the number of things that come to my head at this particular time

Wednesday 1 July 2015

My Day - 1st July 2015

Hi everyone,

I came up with an idea that on the 1st day of every month, I would just simply talk about what happened in my day! goes..

Sunday 28 June 2015

Work Shadowing Experience

Recently, my school organised a day where everyone in my year went into the world of work for a day. We could shadow a parent, a trusted guardian, or some random person who we just wanted shadow (with their permission of course!)

I had already planned before hand where I was going, as I was very excited about working & getting a day off school. Sooo... I went into a primary school and worked with some 5 to 6 year olds, (Year 1 people) as part of me wanted to be a teacher. I thought I would write about my experience of the day; Mainly for your enjoyment and my embarrassment when I look back here in 10 years time and think ''What an earth was I thinking?''

Monday 22 June 2015

What TV Show Should I Watch?

Hi everyone, (or at least the one person reading this)

Sorry for not posting anything for the last few days. I may have done something called forgetting to. Now one of the reasons has been looking at TV shows online and thinking about which one I should watch, as I want to get into something else other than playing & watching Minecraft, and blog writing (all 3 of those things amazing by the way)

So, I came up with a list of 4 TV shows that I would like to watch, explain what I know of them to you, and see which one you like the most and would want to recommend. :)

Wednesday 17 June 2015

My Review of ''Humans'' - Episode 1

Last night I was looking through various Tv catch-up sites for what to watch, as I was very bored. I was looking through 4oD, where I found on the main homepage, a catch-up of ''Humans'' Episode 1. I remembered seeing a few adverts for the show, it being displayed on buses etc and I thought it looked really fascinating to watch. So...guess what... I watched it! This blog post will basically be a review of the first episode, and my first impressions of, what looks to be, a fascinating series!

Disclaimer: I am not a professional reviewer of shows at all, this is just my opinion on it. If the structure doesn't please you or I have missed out important parts, I am sorry. :3 Also, Humans is a show for older peeps, so I would recommend you don't read this if you are under 12

Monday 15 June 2015

Swimming And Me

For the last, roughly, 5 years, I have loved to swim, I find it so relaxing, and not being a naturally sporty person, it has been a great way to get out and do exercise! However, my love of swimming hasn't come to me easy, and there has been lots of hard work to get to loving this wonderful sport.

Sunday 14 June 2015

My Favourite Minecraft YouTubers

Now, I am someone who is obsessed with the internet. Literally obsessed. Ever since I got my first computer back in August 2012, (My 11th Birthday present) I am always on it, every day from when I get home to when I go to bed. Now this might seem bad, but it is something I love.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

First Blog Post!

Welcome to my Blog...this is simply a test to check everything is working haha.

I am Noah, a 13 year old teenager from England. I enjoy watching YouTube, (mainly Minecraft and vloggers) Reading Books, Playing Minecraft and Drinking Tea! :D